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The Benefits of eLearning

You may well have heard of eLearning and even aware of people and businesses that are utilising it but what really are the benefits to you or your business? With its ever growing popularity we thought we would take a few moments to ensure you fully understand the many benefits that is offers.

  1. eLearning allows you to spend less money

    Traditional education simply costs more. From transportation to a learning location costs can be considerable. By taking classes online, costs can be significantly reduced which is of course attractive to the learner.

  2. eLearning is greener

    Not only is eLearning cheaper but it’s also greener. With the reductions on travel, physical facilities and paper materials, this all helps us look after our planet.

  3. eLearning is flexible

    eLearning allows you to learn when is best for you and your circumstances.

    The reality is people are busy, especially if they are pursuing a career. Since eLearning can be taken at any time, it is ideal for people who want to focus on both their career and on education.

  4. eLearning maximises learning retention

    eLearning allows you to learn at a pace that works for you so therefore it maximises retention. We all learn at our own pace and when the learner has control over this they are in a better position to retain the information instead of feeling rushed or stressed.

  5. eLearning is accessible

    eLearning is all inclusive so is accessible to people of all ages and experience. Young and old access eLearning across the world to help them improve their career, gain a promotion or learn valuable new skills.

  6. eLearning gives companies higher retention rates

    According to some studies, employees who access eLearning courses are more likely to remain with their employer. In the long ruin this means that it saves on recruitment costs and increases loyalty within your staff teams.

  7. eLearning improves learning confidence

    How often have we walked away from more traditional learning wondering how have we got on? One of the main benefits of eLearning is that you can test your own learning, meaning you can be confident what you are learning is effective and sticking with you.

E-learning is an efficient and effective way for you to train your staff. It is simple and convenient way to upskill your teams and therefore create an even more productive workforce.

Here at Ed-Next we offer a wide variety of courses all focussed on taking your staff to the next level and therefore benefiting your business. To see our range of courses, take a look here.

  • 2016-05-20 16:04:29
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