Socail Media
Hacking Techniques & IT Security (Module #4) - Wireless Hacking

Hacking Techniques & IT Security (Module #4) - Wireless Hacking

£ 10.00

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In this module of Hacking Techniques & IT Security series,you will be learning about hacking internet connection introduction, use for wireless hacking, use for wireless hacking continued, fakeap wifi tool, air jack tool for wifi, introduction to wireless network, access points, introduction and requirement in any wireless network, wireless nic and wireless network standards, ieee wireless standards and wireless communication, ppp protocol etc

Hacking is the process of finding loopholes in a website, intrude into it and take control of the site or make it crash. To prevent malicious hackers from intruding into computer systems and networks causing severe harm, trained hackers are employed by companies to find loopholes or weaknesses in existing websites, computer networks and take measures to solve them. It is called ethical hacking.

Through this course you will be learning about hacking internet connection introduction, use for wireless hacking, use for wireless hacking continued, fakeap wifi tool, air jack tool for wifi, introduction to wireless network, access points, introduction and requirement in any wireless network, wireless nic and wireless network standards, ieee wireless standards and wireless communication, ppp protocol, eap protocol, x-509 certificates, leap cisco and extensible authentication protocol, wep and wpa, wardriving and network stumble tool, sniffing tools- kismet, airsnot, wepcrack and countermeasures for wireless network attacks.

All Levels

12 Months

3 Hours

